【供應】合成樹脂乳液 Emulsion

普通 第 12 年
  • 產品價格: 面議
  • 最小起訂: 1 包
  • 供貨總量: 10 包
  • 所 在 地: 上海
  • 聯 系 人: 李德鵬 先生
  • 有效期至: 2013/6/24
經營模式:生產型 |
  • 電 話:86 021 64814597
  • 傳 真:86 021 64814596
  • 地 址:中國上海市中山西路2025號永升大廈1008室
  • 手 機:
  • QQ號碼:
產品屬性:   品牌: 肖瓦      規(guī)格型號:      

  • 合成樹脂乳液在涂料,粘接劑,纖維,紙加工等領域都有非常廣泛的用途。使用乳液的產品遍布日常生活的各個方面,因此對環(huán)保性有著很高的要求。合成樹脂乳液以水為載體,完全不含有機溶劑,環(huán)境負荷小,對人體無害。以水性乳液產品代替溶劑型產品已經在世界上形成了普遍的潮流,產量年年遞增,發(fā)展前景廣闊。
        本公司的”POLYSOL EVA”乳液,是以醋酸乙烯為主體,用特殊方法與乙烯共聚合而成的乳液,它既具有醋酸乙烯優(yōu)異的粘接性,作業(yè)性,又具有聚乙烯的耐水性,耐堿性,耐候性,柔軟性,對各種塑料的親和性等特長,以達到提高樹脂性能之間的平衡作用。而且化學性能安定,與各種溶劑,可塑劑的混合性良好,改性時不會發(fā)生麻煩。POLYSOL EVA乳液,根據各種用途的需要設計了具備與之相適應性能的乳液。

         Synthetic resin emulsion have a wide range of application in coating, adhesive, fiber and paper processing, etc. Due to the common use of these types of products in daily life, it is essential that these products are highly environmentally compatible. As an aqueous solution, synthetic resin emulsion does not contain any organic solvent, creates a low negative impact on the environment and is non-toxic. Substituting emulsion products for solvent products has become a leading global trend, which brings emulsion products a great potential with an increasing demand and output each year.
        “POLYSOL EVA” emulsion is the copolymer of Ethylene and Vinyl acetate polymerized by our high technology. It has excellent properties balancing the superiority of each raw material, Vinyl acetate good adhesive and workability also Ethylene has good water resistance, alkali resistance, weatherability, softness and affinity with many kinds of plastics. And EVA is chemically stable and stable at modification, also it has good miscibility with solvent and plasticizer. We have several grades of “POLYSOL EVA” which are suitable for each application.
        In addition to ordinary emulsion products, we are also involved in the development of new function and high performance emulsion products. Shanghai Showa Highpolymer Trading Co., Ltd. rely on high-end technology in Japan and looks forward to a bright and prosperous future together with our customers in China market.



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